Thursday, February 14, 2013

How To Get Speaker Magnets

Hello World
Today in this demonstration I'll be showing you a simple way to get magnets from old @ new speakers.
I'll be working with 3 speakers. This proses involves heat. for precaution, pleas in any way be extremely carefully when working with fire. make sure to use gloves just in case, to prevent any misshapes.
The first proses is heating up the speakers.
Make sure you have tear all the paper n plastic (membrane) of the speaker before heating them up on a stove. let it heat up for about 5 min. This is to make sure the glue is properly melted for removal. 
The second step is to remove the magnets from its frame. In this picture I'm using a hammer, a couple of pliers and a knife. carefully lift up the speakers with a adjustable pliers. making sure it doesn't run of  when hitting the frame to get the magnets (remember the speakers are VERY HOT). carefully place a knife between the glue and the magnet while hitting the knife to separate the magnet from the base. Some time when the speakers are not heated right, it will make things hard to separate them. Repeat the proses until u get all the magnets out. For the inner part of the speakers, carefully hitting or bending the frame to separate Frame from the Base of the speakers. Place a knife between the magnet n carefully hitting it to separate them. the inner part is the hardest to get out. But if the magnets are hot enough and the frame is properly detach. Then it wouldn't be that much of a hassle to extract them.

Here shows the separated item used and obtained from all 3 speakers. Be extra carefully. these magnets are EXTREMELY HOT!

Used a pliers n placed them inside the sink to be cooled. it takes roughly 5 min in running water to get them cooled down.

Hers the finished product. I hope you find this manual (tutorial) usefully. Be careful when playing with fire. Do at your own risk.