
Linux has always been there from the start but somewhat lef behind in the proses. Linux is a free platform operating system that is built from an open sourse comunity witch basicly developed the unix system witch win Mac Os is currently using.

Linux has come along way and has bloom from the rain. If your not familiar with linux, then is the time you bare this in mind. imagin a window operating system, linux is basicly the same.. and  the best thing is, its free.

There are several distro to the linux comunity. You mite want to have a look at the linux Ubunt and lilnux Mint. Its something worth to sink your teeth in to.

With its wide comunity range, you could always ask for help.
There are programs witch suits your every needs, anything from writng programs to drawing and many more.

If your thingking of migrating, then linux is the best cohice to go for. Linux has a live CD witch you can directly boot from, with its featured packed utilitys to increse the user experience despite have to install the os.