Sunday, February 23, 2014

Delta Configuration


Here a list of the most common variables that you may need to edit in configuration.h

#define BAUDRATE 250000
Sets the communication speed to the Arduino. 250000 is good but if you have troubles lower it to115200.

#define DELTA
Tells the firmware we’re dealing with a Delta and not a Cartesian model.

You can’t make a true circle, all circles are actually segments of small straight lines. This sets how many of these segments can be calculted. Higher is better but an Arduino doesn’t have the processing power to calculate it all so 200 is a good balance.

Indicates how long the arms are from hole to hole . In my case, 214 mm.

Displays the curvature correction of the print head. Too large leads to cupping, too small makes the printer think that the printing surface is a mountain peak. This value is made up of


If you want adjust the DELTA_RADIUS then alter DELTA_SMOOTH_ROD_OFFSET. The autoleveler calculates this more accurately.

#define TEMP_SENSOR_1
Sets what type of sensor is in the hot-end. Choose the one that comes with your hotend . Most thermistors will work with option 1. The rest can be set to 0 since we have only one sensor.

Sets how much the measured temperature value may deviate from the reference value. Default is 3.

Sets the maximum temperature for the hot end. Be careful going over  245 degrees Celsius because
above this the Teflon liner will smoke and it emits toxic fumes.

Sets the minimum hotend temperature before the extruder may start supplying plastic. The extruder will not work below this temperature as a safety funtion. You can disable this for testing but be careful.

Sets the internal pull-up resistor so the firmware can read the switch.

Sets the normal state of a switch. So if it should be reported as triggered if it’s pressed or when it’s not pressed.

#define X_HOME_DIR 1
Sets the location of the endstop. 1 is at the top, -1 at the bottom

#define X_MAX_POS 90
Sets the range of your buildplatform, in this case from 90 to -90 which is 180mm of movement. The printbed is off course 170 mm but this little overhead is needed to be able to print ‘over the edge’ and to reach the probe retract position if this is not a separate raised point.

#define Z_MIN_POS
This tells the printer it can go 30mm under the printbed. This is also for the retract position if this is not a separate raised point.

Sets the total height of the printer. Just measure it from the tip of the hotend to the printbed surface. The autolevel feature will adjust this setting somewhat to make the surface flat for the firmware. Be aware, it will not move to a value higher than this so if the autolevel needs to be lower than this it will not work. Better to measure from the tip of the retracted probepoint to the surface and add an extra cm.

Sets the distance between the measuring points during autoleveling.

Sets how fast the printer returns to the home position , in mm / min.

This is the setting that you will change the most. This sets how far the tip of the probe is below the tip of the hotend when in it’s extended position.

Sets how many steps the stepper motor must make to move the platform 1 mm. On # MotorStuffSPMB you can calculate how much it must be for your printer . The suggested motors with 1.8 degrees per step , control with 1/16 microstepping , 16 teeth on the pulley and GT2 belt will give you 100 steps. If you have 20 teeth, then it’s 80 steps etc. You may need to adjust this value so your printer will print the correct size . The extruder is more difficult to calculate but it’s easy to test. In PrintRun give the command to extrude. For example 10mm. Then just measure how much comes out . Be very precise!

Sets the maximum speed at which the plastic can be extruded.

Sets how fast movements may be performed in mm/sec.

Sets how fast the filament may be retracted to prevent stringing.