
Foreign Exchange market, also referred to as the "FOREX". Forex is the largest financial market in the world, with a volume of over $2 trillion a day.

If you compare that to the $25 billion a day volume that the New York Stock Exchange trades, you can easily see how enormous the Foreign Exchange really is.

It actually equates to more than three times the total amount of the stocks and futures markets combined!
Forex rocks!

Before jumping in to the world of Forex. There are some info that you need to know.

Be Extra carefull when chosing your broker and platform to start trading.

There are many brokers with promises out there but in my opinioun there are tow that are worth mensioning here.

1) What kind of services does these brokers provide?

They are an international business company dealing in over-the-counter Forex contracts. The Metatrader 4 platform gives the clients access to the Forex Markets covering major world currencies, gold and silver.