Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bifilar Wound Starship Rodin Coil With Winding Diagram

Bifilar Starship Rodin Coil. 
Hello World.
Today I be working with a coil called THE BIFILAR STARSHIP RODIN COIL. We will need the diagram, a spray mount can and a solid place to work with. ill be using a wooden block as the base.

Spray the back end of the paper diagram and place it on the base that well be working with.

Next, Ill be using 12pcs of screw, and some telephone wire. (info: use at least any size exp 26 magnet wire for better output)

Place the screw at all the 12 points on the chart and start screwing them in. Adjust the height of your own liking.

Start winding. Begin from start point 1 on the diagram and follow on to the second point and so on so forth until u are satisfied with the finished winding. Make sure all the point are tight and easy for transferring purposes.

I'm using a white cable tie to tie them all together in order not to loose its shape and diameter. Tying them at mostly all open points of the winding.

These are the tools needed to fit in the cable ties to get the right shape.


This is the finished product.
I hope you enjoyed my document (tutorial) as much as i enjoy making them.